A gryphotic nail is one which is thickened and deformed.
They are often referred to as a 'Ram's Horn'
Onychogryphosis occurs as a result of damage to the nail
either due to one major event, like dropping something heavy on the foot, or
multiple minor events. These minor
events can be as varied as having a shoe with a tight toe box
causing impaction on the toes, to repeated forward movement of the foot in
footwear, for example a runner whose toes push to the end of a trainer causing
impaction. Keen walkers are also prone
to onychogryphosis, especially hill walkers.
They are difficult to manage at
home and usually need professional care from a podiatrist. If they are not treated they can lead to ulcerations and
infections. They can also be very uncomfortable.
Please don't be embarrassed ,
treatment is very simple and straightforward.