Tuesday 25 February 2014


Cure Tendonitis In Seconds

 "Tendonitis" the doctor said. "There is no substitute for rest and gently working your way back to full exercise.  Use a support bandage and if the pain gets too bad, then take some pain killers".
The patient though, was a self employed swimming teacher and  life guard for whom 'rest' wasn't an option. Well, not if she wanted to eat!
 So, it was time for physical therapy, not pills. She saw a practitioner who smiled and agreed that the problem could be resolved in a matter of minutes.  The patient was doubtful.  "I've had the pain in my knee for nearly two weeks and I can hardly bear to walk on it"
The therapist explained that she was going to use the Jones Strain Counterstrain technique.  This is a simple process which was explored fully by Dr Lawrence Jones, an osteopath, in 1955. The theory is that pain occurs when a muscle is forcibly stretched as it is trying to contract. This produces a physiological response which results in inflammation and restricted joint movement, often at the muscle tendon - known as tendonitis.
The simple procedure involved the patient relaxing on the couch whilst the practitioner found the 'sore spot'.  Then with constant feedback from the lady about the level of pain, the practitioner slowly straightened the leg with her finger on the 'sore spot' all the time.  When the patient reported that there was no pain, the practitioner held her finger on the spot, keeping the leg in the optimum position, for 90 seconds.
Once the time had elapsed, the patient straightened her leg, bent it and said,
"That's incredible. There is no pain at all"; The tendonitis had gone!

And the happy ending was that the lady went back to work the same day, took no painkillers, needed no strapping and was able to buy her tea!

Here is a YouTube video which explains treating Foot/Calf Pain with Gentle Technique.

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